Time With Ni

Welcome to Time With Ni! The podcast where you'll find savvy Black History given to you by a 21 year old! I'll be tying in my personal views on certain topics, and offering what I know. This podcast is made to be insightful and is a platform created to disseminate Black Excellence, and History. So tune into Time With Ni!

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Saturday Mar 28, 2020

This episode Nia dives into the electrical genius Lewis H. Latimer. His background, pathway to becoming an influential inventor, and the legacy he has left behind. She also ties her personal story on how she remembers Latimer. 

Episode 001: Malcolm Speaks

Thursday Mar 05, 2020

Thursday Mar 05, 2020

In Nia's first episode, she speaks on her reactions from the Netflix Documentary "Who Killed Malcolm X". She provides her ideas combined with the information within the 6-episode documentary and tells it all. She also opens up about who she is! :)

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